
  • Plastic Global Law & Policy

    Recognizing the plastic crisis as a serious and rapidly growing issue of concern that requires an urgent global response, Member States of the United Nations have set into motion enhanced global action on ocean plastic. The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) created a webpage with links to updates and information on each of those……

  • Convention on Plastic Pollution Essential Elements

    Plastic pollution is one of the greatest anthropogenic threats our planet faces and protection of the environment is a common concern of humankind. In January 2022, the Environmental Investigation Agency published the ‘Convention on Plastic Pollution: Essential Elements’ series, collecting thematic briefings that take an evidence-based approach to demystify complex issues related to the treaty.……

  • Toward a New Instrument Addressing the Full Life Cycle of Plastics Overview of the Typology of International Legal Instruments

    Over the last decade, there has been a swell of voluntary initiatives and regulations designed to address the plastics crisis. More recently, the subject of an intergovernmental, legal instrument designed to address pollution from plastic has emerged in various international fora. Between 2017 and 2020, parties, regional groups, and stakeholders submitted 10 formal propositions concerning……